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All You Need to Know about Erection Problems

All You Need to Know about Erection Problems

Erection problems occur when a man cannot achieve or maintain an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse with a partner. While this is not a life-threatening issue, one should still consult a medical expert if they are unable to achieve an erection for one-quarter of the time to find out the underlying cause for this problem.
What You Should Know about a Sore Throat from Allergies

What You Should Know about a Sore Throat from Allergies

Dealing With A Sore Throat From Allergies A sore throat is one of the most irritating throat problems that cause a lot of discomforts. Most of the time, it is a sign of a cold and fever. A sore throat usually occurs because of viruses. The virus infected sore throat cures on its own, over a few days.
All You Need to know about Using Probiotics to Get Relief from Diarrhea

All You Need to know about Using Probiotics to Get Relief from Diarrhea

Diarrhea is one of the most common issues that almost everyone faces at least once in their lives. Some common symptoms that one can notice about this condition are bloating of the stomach, abdominal cramping, and watery and frequent stools. Diarrhea occurs due to disruptions within the gastrointestinal system. It typically lasts for less than two weeks.
List of foods that help boost mental health and fight depression

List of foods that help boost mental health and fight depression

Depression is a health condition characterized by feeling low and out of control of one’s moods for a long time period. Often, there is no specific cause this can be traced back to, but rather, it is the result of multiple factors at play at the same time. Depression has serious effects on one’s physical health and mental health.
Food and snack options to deal with IBS

Food and snack options to deal with IBS

When the normal functions of the large intestine (colon) are disturbed and one experiences crampy abdominal pain, bloating, and constipation or diarrhea, it is due to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). When one has IBS, the pattern of bowel movements might change over time, that is, bowel movements may occur either more often (diarrhea) or less often (constipation) than usual, like having more than three bowel movements in a day or less than three in a week.
All You Need to Know about Pollen Allergies

All You Need to Know about Pollen Allergies

Pollen is a very fine yellowish powder produced by flowers, trees, weeds, and grasses to help fertilize other plants of the same species. Sometimes, these pollens, when inhaled by people, cause an adverse immune response, leading to pollen allergies. In fact, many people in the country are allergic to pollen.
Lifestyle Changes That Can Help Control Blood Sugar

Lifestyle Changes That Can Help Control Blood Sugar

High blood sugar is a condition in which the sugar cannot be effectively transported from the blood into the cells. If left untreated, the condition can result in diabetes. As per a study, approximately 50% of the people in the country either have diabetes or are classified as pre-diabetic. Thankfully, there are some easy ways of controlling blood sugar levels to avoid all short-term and long-term problems.
Here’s What You Need to Know about Spinal Fusion Surgery

Here’s What You Need to Know about Spinal Fusion Surgery

Surgery is always a final resort when all other treatments fail to bear fruit. Spinal fusion surgery is recommended by doctors and medical specialists only after they have tried other treatment options. Let’s find out more about this procedure. What is spinal fusion surgery? It is a surgical technique that joins or fuses two or more vertebrae to restrict the movement between them.
A Brief Overview of Wrist Braces and Its Types

A Brief Overview of Wrist Braces and Its Types

When you feel pain or numbness in the fingers, it could be indicative of carpal tunnel syndrome. Well, it is a common type of condition that generally occurs in people working in various fields. This condition occurs when you put too much pressure on the median nerve. The median nerve is the nerve of your body that provides sensory signals to all your fingers except the little finger.
The Normal Cholesterol Levels and Their Management

The Normal Cholesterol Levels and Their Management

A high level of cholesterol will increase the chances of heart diseases. Medications do help in keeping the cholesterol levels in check. However, instead of medications, if you can change your lifestyle, then it will be beneficial for you in the longer run. Before getting to know what kind of changes in your lifestyle will help, let’s see what the normal cholesterol levels are for your body.
Understanding Medical Care and Rehabilitation for Schizophrenia

Understanding Medical Care and Rehabilitation for Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia affects an individual’s ability to think, receive, or comprehend sensory information. Changes in behavior are among the first noticeable signs of a developing mental disorder. Although the condition is uncommon, it can disrupt a person’s ability to live a normal life. The family of the affected person must also exercise caution on their part to provide a comfortable surrounding and environment.
Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments for Schizophrenia

Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments for Schizophrenia

A severe mental disorder, schizophrenia impacts how an individual thinks, reacts to emotions, and perceives reality. It results in a variety of symptoms including delusions, hallucinations, and paranoia that can cause the patient to isolate themselves from the rest of the world. At present, roughly 1% of the total population suffer from this mental disorder.
Causes, Risk Factors, and Prevention of Multiple Myeloma

Causes, Risk Factors, and Prevention of Multiple Myeloma

Our bodies are made up of different kinds of cells. Blood cells are an important type of cell that is further bifurcated into three parts, namely white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. Each type of blood cell plays an essential role in the human body. Red blood cells remove carbon dioxide from the body and carry oxygen to the tissues.
Biosimilars Treatment for Multiple Myeloma

Biosimilars Treatment for Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a condition wherein plasma cells, which are a type of white blood cells in the bone marrow, become cancerous and start multiplying. This condition can damage the bones, immune system, and kidneys and the treatment for myeloma depends on the stage of cancer. Options include medication, corticosteroids, chemotherapy, and radiation; a stem-cell transplant may also be done.

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Cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for seniors

Cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for seniors

The cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for senior citizens depends on what each is looking for whether supplemental health insurance plans for seniors or Medicare supplement plans. Although they are very similar in terminology, they are both very different. Supplemental health plans designed specifically for the needs of seniors are known as senior supplements.
Common difference between term life insurance and universal life insurance policy

Common difference between term life insurance and universal life insurance policy

There are various types of insurance schemes for the common man. They each have their advantages and disadvantages. What works for you can be chosen only after a detailed study and thorough understanding of all the finer details of each policy. Let us compare term life insurance and universal life insurance policies.