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Here’s what you must know about age-specific PSA levels

Here’s what you must know about age-specific PSA levels

Prostate-specific antigen or PSA is a glycoprotein that is produced in the prostate gland to retain the liquid form of the seminal fluid and aid sperm movement. While PSA typically stays in the prostate ducts, a small portion may leak into the bloodstream; this allows experts to detect prostate diseases such as cancer.
Here’s what you need to know about osteoporosis tests

Here’s what you need to know about osteoporosis tests

Osteoporosis is a form of arthritis that causes the bones to weaken, which makes them increasingly fragile and highly prone to fractures. It is estimated that around two million fractures are caused by this condition annually. Although osteoporosis can affect any bone, it is usually observed in body parts like wrist, spine, and hip.
Here’s what you need to know about the Influenza type B virus

Here’s what you need to know about the Influenza type B virus

Generally known as the flu, Influenza is a form of respiratory infection that is triggered by flu viruses. There are 3 identified types of flu; i.e. A, B, and C. Type A is the most widespread variety of influenza that can be contracted via animals and is also known to cause epidemics.
Home Remedies That Can Help Treat UTI Naturally

Home Remedies That Can Help Treat UTI Naturally

What is urinary tract infection? Urinary Tract Infection or UTI is an infection caused in the urinary tract. Typically, there are two types of infections: one which affects lower urinary tract called bladder infection and other which affects upper urinary tract called kidney infection. UTI occurs more in women than men.
Foods to eat if you have low blood pressure

Foods to eat if you have low blood pressure

Low blood sugar or Hypoglycemia, is a condition that takes place due to a decrease in blood sugar in the body. The following are the symptoms of low blood sugar or Hypoglycemia: – Weakness or shakiness – Excessive sweating – Sudden chills and clamminess – Sudden nervousness – Unexplained anxiety – Irritability and impatience – Confusion and sometimes delirium – A feeling of lightheadedness and dizziness – Sudden seizures – Nightmares and difficulty sleeping, insomnia – Hunger and nausea – Excessive sleeping – Tingling of skin – Numbness of skin and tongue – Blurred, hazy, or impaired vision – Headaches, severe, and recurrent – Lack of coordination – Unconsciousness If you experience the above symptoms of low blood sugar, then get your blood sugar level checked and consult a doctor accordingly.
Fix food poisoning with these home remedies

Fix food poisoning with these home remedies

Some of the times, eating your favorite food can get you in trouble. This is where we are stuck with eating the most-loved food item and falling sick due to contaminated food. The consumption of toxic and spoiled food leads to food poisoning. So, unhygienic handling of food breeds harmful bacteria that cause stomach disorders and leads to food poisoning.
Exercises to cure trigger finger

Exercises to cure trigger finger

When there is an inflammation in the tendons of the finger and thumb, a trigger finger condition occurs. When the inflammation in the tendons appear in the thumb, it becomes triggered thumb. Tendons are tissues that are thick and tough enough to bind the muscles with the bones. There are membranes that are always lubricated and that makes the tendon movements smooth but there are times when despite the lubrication there comes inflammation and swelling.
Five common types of Crohn’s disease

Five common types of Crohn’s disease

Crohns disease is a condition that results in inflammation of the digestive tract leading to complications which can sometimes be life-threatening. There are five different types of Crohns disease, with different symptoms and treatment options. The disease affects the lower part of the small intestine and the colon, along with some parts of the large intestine as well.
Essential things to know about chronic fatigue syndrome

Essential things to know about chronic fatigue syndrome

Doctors and the medical industry have been trying to find definite extreme causes. There are over 2.5 million Americans who have this disorder. Everyone get fatigue when they over exert or work long hours and due to stress their body becomes tired and that leads to fatigue. Fatigue usually goes away with some rest and proper food intake.
Four reasons for swollen finger pain

Four reasons for swollen finger pain

A sudden swelling on your fingers appears, what do you do? Do you panic? No. A swelling on your fingers is common during the heat, and is not a cause of concern in most cases. Although there can be a serious problem if your swelling persists for a long time, and especially if it comes along with a stinging pain.
Five simple home remedies for hematoma

Five simple home remedies for hematoma

A hematoma is an accumulation of blood that occurs outside the blood vessels. These can arise in any part of the body, and they can even affect the organs. What are the causes of a hematoma? Typically, a hematoma is a condition which ensues when there is any form of damage caused to the blood vessels.
Five amazing home remedies for treating seborrheic dermatitis on scalp

Five amazing home remedies for treating seborrheic dermatitis on scalp

Dealing with seborrheic dermatitis on the scalp can be incredibly frustrating as it takes a significant amount of time and a combination of treatments to get rid of. If you can identify with this situation, then your first step should be consulting a dermatologist. Getting a professional opinion will help you understand your condition and treatment options better.
Essential information on staph infection

Essential information on staph infection

The bacteria that cause staph infection, called Staphylococcus aureus, live on everybody’s skin and are mostly dormant until they are triggered. Lack of hygiene trigger the bacteria and that results in staph infection. The cases of women getting or contacting staph infection after visiting a beauty salon in the country are surprising yet true.
Five forms of health conditions that can be caused due to staphylococcus

Five forms of health conditions that can be caused due to staphylococcus

Bacteria known as staphylococcus causes staph infections. It can even be found in the body of most healthy individuals and can cause mild to severe types of diseases. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain healthy hygiene practices to thwart their growth. Apart from the inadequate sanitation, underlying health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, respiratory illnesses, skin disorders, HIV/AIDS, severe kidney disorders, weakened immune system, surgical wounds, etc.

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Cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for seniors

Cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for seniors

The cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for senior citizens depends on what each is looking for whether supplemental health insurance plans for seniors or Medicare supplement plans. Although they are very similar in terminology, they are both very different. Supplemental health plans designed specifically for the needs of seniors are known as senior supplements.
Common difference between term life insurance and universal life insurance policy

Common difference between term life insurance and universal life insurance policy

There are various types of insurance schemes for the common man. They each have their advantages and disadvantages. What works for you can be chosen only after a detailed study and thorough understanding of all the finer details of each policy. Let us compare term life insurance and universal life insurance policies.