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Here’s How Mortgage Insurance Can Be Useful

Here’s How Mortgage Insurance Can Be Useful

Mortgage insurance is an insurance policy to protects lenders in the case of defaults on payments by the borrower or in the case of death of the homeowner. Mortgage insurance can be paid in two ways. It can be paid in the form of a lump sum payment at the start of the mortgage term or can be paid during the term of the mortgage loan.
What Is An Underwater Mortgage

What Is An Underwater Mortgage

The market is an extremely unreliable place. We have witnessed its decline for the past several years. If we are to consider the real estate market alone, it has faced a lot of criticism for being a highly unreliable marketplace. Fortunately, we have experienced nothing but growth in the real estate sector for over a decade now.
What Is A Balloon Mortgage And Ways To Pay It Back

What Is A Balloon Mortgage And Ways To Pay It Back

Everybody knows about the Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) but not many know about a balloon loan and how it can help individuals manage their financial needs without getting into the EMI hassle. This type of mortgage has been around for decades now but it is not as advertised and used as other types.
Useful Ways To Avoid And Lower Private Mortgage Insurance

Useful Ways To Avoid And Lower Private Mortgage Insurance

There are many types of mortgage insurances, but the one that most borrowers worry about the most is private mortgage insurance (PMI). This insurance is basically to protect lenders in case borrowers fail to pay them back. The reason you need to pay private mortgage insurance (PMI) If you as a borrower pay less than 20% of the cost of your house as down payment, it poses a higher risk to your lender.
The Various Types Of Subprime Mortgages

The Various Types Of Subprime Mortgages

A subprime mortgage is a loan given to individuals who have a credit score below 640 or do not have a credit score at all. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation defines these individuals as ‘borrowers who have been delinquent, bankrupt, have a low credit score or have a low income’. The people who have defaulted on two or more payments in last one year are also included into this category.
The Difference Between Fixed And Adjustable Mortgage Loans

The Difference Between Fixed And Adjustable Mortgage Loans

Many home buyers are tempted to get the 30-year fixed rate mortgage. However, you can get a lower interest rate with an adjustable rate mortgage. The fixed rate mortgage loan provides security but is more expensive while the interest rate on the adjustable mortgage may fluctuate. Let us try to lay it all out on the table and see what is a good fit for you.
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Wraparound Mortgage

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Wraparound Mortgage

A mortgage is a formal agreement between an issuer and a borrower, wherein the issuer agrees to pay a certain amount of money to the borrower for buying a property. A wraparound mortgage is a smaller mortgage that is granted to a borrower. It is a secondary mortgage accompanied by the primary one, which helps the borrower to make the full payment of the property.
Steps To Take If Your Mortgage Application Is Declined

Steps To Take If Your Mortgage Application Is Declined

If your application for a mortgage has been denied, the first thing you need to do is find out the reason why it was denied, the period you need to wait before applying again, and the things you need to make sure of to prevent the decline from happening again.
Save On Your Energy Bills With Energy Improvement Mortgages

Save On Your Energy Bills With Energy Improvement Mortgages

Most mortgages taken out on real estate are used for very specific purposes. The world has entered a phase where saving energy has become very important. It is only logical to make a mortgage available so that people can afford to have energy-saving appliances and fixtures more easily. An ’energy efficient mortgage’ makes this happen when it comes to home improvement.
Pros And Cons Of A No-Fee Mortgage

Pros And Cons Of A No-Fee Mortgage

When you apply for a mortgage, you are handed over certain rules and regulation to follow during the procedure. You are also given a document containing all the information about fees and other payments that you are required to make before your application is processed and you move ahead. All mortgages have a certain fee attached to them.
Pros And Cons Of A 15 Year Mortgage

Pros And Cons Of A 15 Year Mortgage

Most home buyers grapple with the decision of taking a 15-year mortgage vs. a 30-year mortgage. They often choose the latter as the increased monthly payments on the 15-year mortgage are substantially higher. While monthly payments may be higher, the savings are enormous with tens of thousands being potentially saved.
Know More About No-Cost Mortgages

Know More About No-Cost Mortgages

A no-cost mortgage or an NCM is a mortgage in which all kinds of fees for the borrower is waived. The lender pays the loan settlement costs of the borrower. The lender adjusts this cost by charging a high-interest rate to the borrower. When the lender sells this mortgage into the secondary mortgage market, he will then receive a price, which is calculated on the interest rate of the mortgage.
How Your New Job Might Affect Your Mortgage Application

How Your New Job Might Affect Your Mortgage Application

Change of jobs is a part of a long and eventful career. However, it is important to note the implications on your mortgage. Job changes tend to make lenders a little uneasy for various reasons. Mortgage providers want to see an applicant in the same field for a period of at least two years.
How Home Mortgage Helps To Buy A House

How Home Mortgage Helps To Buy A House

A mortgage is a loan that is secured by a property or any kind of real estate asset. In exchange for the money received by the homebuyer to buy any kind of property or a home, the lender is assured of the fact that he will be paid back the funds within a certain time frame and with a certain interest rate.

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