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Grow your retirement income

Grow your retirement income

Planning for income to be received after retirement is your responsibility, especially since the traditional employer-funded retirement plans and their popularity is fading. With a high-powered lifestyle and growing needs, Social Security benefits may not be enough to insure a comfortable life after retirement. Without a retirement plan, you could face a future that will be full of financial uncertainties and hardships.
Top funds for retirement planning that you should know

Top funds for retirement planning that you should know

One of the best investment moves you can make is to open a Roth IRA account when you are planning your retirement. It is a legal tax shelter and you will contribute money that has already been taxed. Hence, you will not be taxed again when you withdraw the amount.
Need and importance of retirement planning calculator

Need and importance of retirement planning calculator

Investing for retirement isn’t as big and tedious and undertaking as it is made out to be. The key is to define how much money you’ll need for the days after you retire and then draw out a plan to achieve your objective. To make things easier, begin by considering your lifestyle post retirement.
Retirement calculator: Your planning assistant

Retirement calculator: Your planning assistant

Retirement planning is about setting aside enough money for retirement and is the preparation that must be done well in advance so that you will be organized for the life after your work career ends, not just in monetary terms but in all aspects of life. The non-financial facets include lifestyle choices, how to spend time in retirement, where to live, etc.
Things to ponder on before choosing a place to retire

Things to ponder on before choosing a place to retire

Wouldn’t it be breathtakingly awesome if you could spend your post-career life in a sunny natural serenity away from the hubbub of urban anxieties that you have known all too well during your working years? Or maybe you want an active retirement life with a lot of social activities and volunteering?
Retire in peace and in style

Retire in peace and in style

Is your retirement around the corner? Have you chosen the retirement community for yourself? Well, if not, then what are you waiting for? Retirement means a lot of time that you can give to yourself and do the things that you love and spend the rest of your life in peace.
Best investment options for your retirement

Best investment options for your retirement

“ Invest in your future” as they rightfully say. Saving for retirement is one of the major concerns in your career. In today’s economy and time of uncertainty, with sky-high prices for even basic necessities, by the time you end up paying all your dues, there will be very little left to retire with.
Follow these simple strategies to retire early

Follow these simple strategies to retire early

Surviving in today’s competitive market is challenging. But what’s even more challenging is to earn enough to make ends meet and then have some left for your retirement. In fact, some say that you should start planning and saving up the minute you start working for that nice safety nest egg if you want to sip margaritas in the Bahamas sitting by the ocean!
Best places to retire in the United States

Best places to retire in the United States

Retirement is indeed a very big art of anyone’s life. But have you chosen your retirement destination yet? For most people, retirement means living with a reduced amount of income. Here are some of the best places to retire in the U.S. They have a good weather and a lot of activities that will never leave you bored.
4 of the most popular states for retirement living

4 of the most popular states for retirement living

Carefully choosing a location that can give you exactly the kind of relaxing environment you require post-retirement becomes an important factor. But before making any choice, you must keep in mind the factors such as overall cost of living, public health, culture, weather, and safety to make an informed decision.
Choosing the right retirement community

Choosing the right retirement community

Aging might not always push you to mundane existence. Retirement communities, which have become a trend, can shift the perception. They come in all shapes and sizes and are restricted to an age group of 50 and above to provide suitable amenities. Yes, at that age, one might not have full motor functions or might suffer from chronic conditions like diabetes, but the communities are equipped to provide all the help required for wellness to overcome the challenges easily and live a fuller active life.
5 best investment plans to live a stress free retired life

5 best investment plans to live a stress free retired life

Every individual saves for a comfortable retirement life. In order to enjoy a stress-free retirement period, it is important to invest at an early stage and plan your retirement to make the right investment decisions. Consider your current financial condition and set your retirement goal; based on the same, you may make investment decisions that will allow you to grow your wealth.
Where to retire in 2017

Where to retire in 2017

Retirement can be a costly proposition, so if you’re looking to choose states to retire in, it could be a long and exhausting research process. This is because all the elderly individuals want to spend their golden years peacefully with family and friends. Before finalizing the state that you would like to settle in, here are some of the important factors that you should consider.
Plan for your retirement

Plan for your retirement

Like you, several other retirees work extremely hard to earn a decent amount of money. And they have only one aim, to have a reservoir of finances that will help them lead an independent life even after retirement. You might often mull over the thought, “How do I make sure my savings last as long as I do?” For this you need to have a retirement plan to generate revenue, that can last for the rest of your life irrespective of the income that can withstand inflation, market ups and downs, and unexpected expenses.

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Cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for seniors

Cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for seniors

The cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for senior citizens depends on what each is looking for whether supplemental health insurance plans for seniors or Medicare supplement plans. Although they are very similar in terminology, they are both very different. Supplemental health plans designed specifically for the needs of seniors are known as senior supplements.
Common difference between term life insurance and universal life insurance policy

Common difference between term life insurance and universal life insurance policy

There are various types of insurance schemes for the common man. They each have their advantages and disadvantages. What works for you can be chosen only after a detailed study and thorough understanding of all the finer details of each policy. Let us compare term life insurance and universal life insurance policies.