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Interrelation Between Lower Back Pain and Kidney

Interrelation Between Lower Back Pain and Kidney

Kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs that are present in either side of the body of vertebrates. The basic functions of the kidney include filtering blood to produce urine, retaining and discharging water, hormonal secretion, eliminating waste and nitrogen, and maintaining blood pressure and fluid levels in the body.
Here Are Some Warning Signs of Mini Stroke Symptoms

Here Are Some Warning Signs of Mini Stroke Symptoms

A stroke is a terrifying condition that sadly affects many people. Sometimes, few people experience mini stroke symptoms that are not as severe as a full-blown stroke but are nonetheless a sign of major problems. The medical term for mini stroke symptoms is a transient ischemic attack. A transient ischemic attack is a disorder in which there is a neurological dysfunction caused by lack of oxygen (ischemia) without permanent tissue damage.
Here are Some of the Common Causes Of Excessive Sweating

Here are Some of the Common Causes Of Excessive Sweating

Hyperhidrosis refers to the medical condition that involves excessive sweating. While everyone does sweat when it’s extremely hot outside, those suffering from hyperhidrosis sweat so profusely, that even water may drip from their hands. In normal circumstances, perspiration produced by the sweat glands is carried to the surface of the skin when the air temperature rises, when exercising, when feeling nervous or anxious, and when having fever.
All You Need to Know About Adult Type 2 Diabetes

All You Need to Know About Adult Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disorder which was earlier referred to as adult-onset or noninsulin-dependent diabetes. It affects the metabolism of glucose or sugar in the body. Glucose is the major source of energy for our body. Currently, in America 29.1 million people have diabetes. However, as large as 8.1 million of them are yet to be diagnosed and are unaware of their disorder.
First Symptoms of Lupus to Watch Out For

First Symptoms of Lupus to Watch Out For

Lupus is a complicated and often debilitating condition. Catching the first symptoms of lupus early is important for initiating treatment of this condition.   Lupus is a collection of autoimmune disorders, rather than one single disease. In an autoimmune disorder, the body’s immune system attacks the body itself. Lupus is a chronic condition, and the most severe and most common form of lupus is Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
Know the Symptoms of Meningitis and Its Risk Factors

Know the Symptoms of Meningitis and Its Risk Factors

Meningitis refers to a medical condition in which the meninges or the membranes surrounding the spinal cord and brain get inflamed mostly due to viral infection. Fungal and bacterial infections may also lead to this health issue. Often characterized by the stiffness of the neck, high fever, and headache, meningitis can turn fatal, if not treated on time.
Causes And Cure for Swollen Finger Pain

Causes And Cure for Swollen Finger Pain

There can be many causes for swollen fingers, but when it occurs, it causes a lot of pain and discomfort. It becomes difficult to flex and move your fingers. Even simple tasks like picking up a pen, or writing becomes difficult. Swelling can occur due to injuries, allergies and also as symptoms of other diseases like arthritis.
7 Common Spring Allergies Symptoms

7 Common Spring Allergies Symptoms

Spring is a season when flowers bloom, and the plants and trees flourish. So undoubtedly nature is at its best. During springtime, the trees and flowers release pollen in the air to reproduce. However, for some people, spring means a period of allergic reactions and numerous visits to the doctor.
Different Types of Treatment for Chronic Bronchitis

Different Types of Treatment for Chronic Bronchitis

Bronchitis is an acute condition in the respiratory system and over millions of people across the world suffer from it. Every year, health practitioners note an alarming increase in the number of patients who visit chronic bronchitis treatment centers. Bronchitis can be of two types, acute and chronic. Chronic bronchitis is also said to be a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Common Heartburn Symptoms and Treatment

Common Heartburn Symptoms and Treatment

Do you feel like the meal you just ate is making its way back? Or maybe you feel like your chest and throat is on fire. What you’re experiencing is heartburn. Heartburns are caused when there is acid reflux and the food you’ve consumed is thrown back into the esophagus along with the stomach acid and enzymes.
An Insight Into The Problem Of Peyronies Disease

An Insight Into The Problem Of Peyronies Disease

Peyronie’s disease is an ailment that occurs among men, and it affects their sex organ – the penis. Investigations into the problem have revealed the fact that this is a state of health that is not exactly very serious and can even go away on its own without having to do much about it.
Ingrown Hair Removal And Prevention

Ingrown Hair Removal And Prevention

You have strange bumps on your skin that are painful, and they aren’t a sign of a rash or isn’t pimples. So what could it be? Ingrown hair. Ingrown hair is a pain. Both men and women experience this when shaving is a constant routine. While shaving is the most common cause of ingrown hair, waxing and wearing clothes that are too tight can cause it too.
Simple Steps for Instant Diarrhea Relief

Simple Steps for Instant Diarrhea Relief

Diarrhea is a condition where the body suffers from frequent watery bowels, muscle cramps, and nausea. A large number of people suffer from diarrhea across the world every day. You may suffer from diarrhea if you consume contaminated water or food, or if you face intestinal problems. Usually, this is an ailment that isn’t considered to be a major cause of concern in healthy individuals.
Causes Symptoms and Treatment of MRSA Infection

Causes Symptoms and Treatment of MRSA Infection

A skin infection caused by the Staphylococcus bacteria —MRSA or Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus is an infection that can occur in any part of the body. Characterised by mild symptoms like sores and boils, the infection can also graduate to severity by infecting surgical wounds, urinary tract, lungs, and bloodstream. The MRSA bacteria are resistant to commonly used antibiotics and that’s why it’s called the ‘ superbug’, making it difficult for the medical fraternity to treat this condition.

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Cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for seniors

Cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for seniors

The cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for senior citizens depends on what each is looking for whether supplemental health insurance plans for seniors or Medicare supplement plans. Although they are very similar in terminology, they are both very different. Supplemental health plans designed specifically for the needs of seniors are known as senior supplements.
Common difference between term life insurance and universal life insurance policy

Common difference between term life insurance and universal life insurance policy

There are various types of insurance schemes for the common man. They each have their advantages and disadvantages. What works for you can be chosen only after a detailed study and thorough understanding of all the finer details of each policy. Let us compare term life insurance and universal life insurance policies.