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Guide To Treating Infertility With IVF And The Complications That Come With It

Infertility issues are growing by the day, and an estimated one out of eight couple in America faces difficulty to conceive a baby. However, with several assisted reproductive technologies, treating infertility is no more a difficult task. In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is one among such procedures, and it has gained popularity due to its high success rate.

The procedure uses advanced technology, and the following is a brief account of the same.

What is IVF treatment?

The first step done by an expert gynecologist involves inducing specific hormones to be secreted in the female’s body to produce eggs of a particular standard and quality.

Guide To Treating Infertility With IVF And The Complications That Come With It
The hormones are regulated by giving birth control drugs or hormone injections. These inputs have to be provided on a regular basis to enable high chances of success. The dosage may vary from person to person depending on their body weight and other such specifications.

As soon as the eggs mature, they are retrieved within 30-40 hours and stored in a laboratory environment. In the lab, the sperms are added to the egg to facilitate fertilization. Once there are viable embryos that are growing at a good pace, the healthy embryo is chosen and placed in the uterus, and this is the fourth step of the procedure.

As is with the other steps of the in-vitro fertilization process, placing the embryo within the uterus also must be done with extreme care.

Complications to be kept in mind

The success of in-vitro fertilization depends on several factors including the mother’s age, and the procedure has a 40 percent success rate in a woman aged less than 35 years. There are high chances of the occurrence of a miscarriage; so you need to be extra careful and follow your doctor’s advice.

Taking stress during the process can lower the quality of your eggs, thereby reducing the chances of conception. You need to have hope and faith in the process as it might not work at the first go. Also, the hormone injections and birth control pills can lead to severe mood swings, and it may also affect your relationship with your loved ones. So, you need to be persistent to get through the entire in-vitro fertilization process.

Thus, when other assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures fail to work, you can opt for IVF.

The content of the articles discussing symptoms, treatments, health conditions, and side effects is solely intended for informational purposes. It is imperative that readers do not interpret the information provided on the website as professional advice. Readers are requested to use their discretion and refrain from treating the suggestions or opinions provided by the writers and editors as medical advice. It is important to seek the help of licensed and expert healthcare professionals when necessary.
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