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5 food items that combat inflammation

5 food items that combat inflammation

The ideal approach to control inflammation is not through medicines but through a proper diet. The immune system battles anything inside the body that it perceives as remote. For example, an attacking microorganism, plant dust, or substance. The reaction leads to inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s safe reaction. It sends signals and warning so that the immune system can handle it.
Benefits of a high-fiber diet

Benefits of a high-fiber diet

Regular exercise and abstaining from tobacco and alcohol are some of the ways to promote a healthy lifestyle. Yet, there is one fundamental rule that many of us tend to overlook, a healthy, high-fiber diet plan. While keeping away from greasy, fatty foods and quitting bad habits can improve the quality of life, it is just as important to consume adequate amounts of fibrous foods.
High fiber meals to incorporate into your diet

High fiber meals to incorporate into your diet

Along with modern conveniences that have made life easier, today people are leading sedentary lifestyles and consuming foods that do more harm than good. Lifestyle-related diseases like stroke, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes are on the rise, apart from diseases caused by tobacco consumption, alcohol, and drugs. One way to make a change is with diet.
How useful is it to have a gluten free diet?

How useful is it to have a gluten free diet?

Gluten is a blend of a variety of proteins that are found in grains like barley, wheat, and rye. Gluten is mainly used for baked goods as it provides texture and chewiness to the baked products. It is also added to soups and broths to make them thicker, and as a protein supplement and flavor enhancer.
Foods that help clear a stuffy nose

Foods that help clear a stuffy nose

Dealing with flu is especially exasperating when you have to bear the brunt of a stuffy nose. And during such times of discomfort, the only thing in the entire world that can comfort you is food. Having stuffy nose doesn’t necessarily mean that you only have to eat something that your taste buds don’t fancy.
The alkaline diet and its benefits

The alkaline diet and its benefits

The alkaline diet is a relatively new term, and its popularity is spreading across with each passing day. Adapted by a large number of people around the world, this diet suggests that one should replace acid-forming foods with alkaline foods. This diet helps in the balance of pH levels in the body and promotes an overall good health.
How to improve blood circulation using healthy foods

How to improve blood circulation using healthy foods

A healthy blood circulation is necessary to the keep the body fit and healthy. The different parts and pivotal organs of the body are fuelled as an effect of constant blood flow. However, today, a large number of people live an unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle. This way of living has a huge impact on the circulation of blood in the body.
Why should you include high fiber foods in your daily diet?

Why should you include high fiber foods in your daily diet?

The sedentary lifestyle of 21st century, where everything is at our fingertips (literally) is turning us into a passive workaholics seated in our office chairs undergoing minimal body stress. The eating habits so developed are unhealthy to the extent that we have started facing old age ailments that were normally a thing of late forties and fifties Fast food which is junk food on the go has an abundance of trans fat and very low amount of fiber, which is unhealthy for the body.
Healthy and nutritious foods that our body needs

Healthy and nutritious foods that our body needs

A healthy, nutritious diet has to be necessarily balanced. Only if it is balanced can a diet supply all the nutrients and build the body with all the wherewithal to fight all the infections and other diseases. Many seasonal foods in the season have higher nutrition and some of them inhibit certain diseases.
How to manage blood sugar and hypertension through diet

How to manage blood sugar and hypertension through diet

You will be surprised to know that two out of three people suffer from high blood pressure. It is, therefore, important to count the carbohydrate, limit the intake of sugar and eat less salt. But the great news is, you can still eat well while managing the complications of diabetes and high blood pressure.
Diverticulosis diet – What should you avoid

Diverticulosis diet – What should you avoid

Diverticulosis is a condition that occurs mostly in adults as they age. It is usually the result of not consuming fiber. When the body is low on fiber, pouches are formed near the colon that create a very painful situation. Without the required fiber intake, the pressure builds on colon wall and after a period of time, balloon like weak points develop in colon which are called as diverticuli.
Habits that can keep colon issues at bay

Habits that can keep colon issues at bay

Colon issues develop due to unhealthy eating habits. Irregular food cycle is also one of the reasons people suffer from various colon issues. Some of these issues can take turn for worse and turn into a life-threatening condition. Hence, it is necessary that you follow proper diet and eat healthy food to keep colon issues at bay.
Why you should try a gluten free diet?

Why you should try a gluten free diet?

Gluten is not at all beneficial for people suffering from health issues like inflammatory diseases as well as autoimmune disorders. Our immune system does not recognize gluten present in grains and thus gluten easily attacks the intestines and that may be very harmful for the body. Here are a few tips on how you can incorporate gluten-free diet in your daily routine and also know its benefits.
Six foods that burn fat quickly

Six foods that burn fat quickly

You don’t always have to resort to complex fitness regimes to achieve your weight-loss goals. A balanced diet plan incorporating fat burning foods can help you ditch those extra pounds quickly. Sounds too good to be true? There are certain foods that have a naturally high thermogenic effect. Simply put, your body burns down several calories just by digesting these foods.

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