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Remedies to get rid of stye

Remedies to get rid of stye

A stye or hordeolum is a red bump that looks somewhat like pimple. When oil glands around the eyelashes get secrete lubricating substance. The dead skin, dirt and oil might clog or block these small holes. The blocked gland inhibits the bacterial growth inside, which eventually causes development of stye.
How a trauma can affect your body

How a trauma can affect your body

Trauma can be defined as the general emotional response of our human body, to any negative or terrible event. This is the type of response which can be instantaneous or delayed since different people react in distinct ways to a positive or negative episode, taking into account how their brain has perceived the event.
These are the types of trauma you need to be aware of

These are the types of trauma you need to be aware of

Trauma, specifically psychological trauma is a type of damage to the brain that occurs due to a distressing event. It often results in an overwhelming amount of stress, which exceeds one’s ability to cope with it. According to subjective experiences trauma differs in individuals. This might be because of different people react to similar events differently.
3 steps to make life with distal spinal muscular atrophy type 1 manageable

3 steps to make life with distal spinal muscular atrophy type 1 manageable

Distal spinal muscular atrophy type 1 is an ailment that has no permanent cure. It is an inherited condition that begins in infancy and is characterized by muscle weakness that ultimately results in respiratory failure. Distal spinal muscular atrophy type 1 is often diagnosed between the ages of six weeks and six months; the child diagnosed with this condition, unfortunately, doesn’t survive for more than two years owing to the respiratory issues it faces.
Causes and symptoms of neuromuscular disorders

Causes and symptoms of neuromuscular disorders

With specialized nerves, the brain controls the moment of voluntary muscles. To permit movement, a combination of the muscles and nervous system work together. This is known as the neuromuscular system. The nerves that control these voluntary muscles and the nerves that communicate sensory information back to the brain are affected by neuromuscular disorders.
8 common types of neuromuscular disorders that you must know

8 common types of neuromuscular disorders that you must know

Neuromuscular disorders are medical conditions in which the neurons that control your voluntary muscles are affected. The neurons that send signals to your voluntary muscles die or break down, and this leads to serious problems like muscle wasting, and joint and mobility problems. In severe cases, neurological disorders can also lead to cardiac-related diseases or lung problems.
Treatments available for neuromuscular disorders

Treatments available for neuromuscular disorders

Neuromuscular disorders have affected millions in the country. This disease causes the muscles and nerves to degenerate. These muscles and nerves are responsible for controlling the movement and sensations in the body. The neuromuscular disorders have symptoms that vary widely. Some neuromuscular diseases can be a genetic disorder. There are several symptoms of neuromuscular disorders that can be used to identify the condition.
4 home remedies to treat tongue bumps

4 home remedies to treat tongue bumps

Bumps are naturally present on the tongue, as evidenced by pictures seen online. These bumps help in sensing the taste and temperature of the food we eat and are quite minuscule in size, giving the tongue its rough texture. Problems arise when the bumps become enlarged. This may happen due to accidental biting or scalding of the tongue.
Dementia – What Are the Stages and How Can They Be Managed

Dementia – What Are the Stages and How Can They Be Managed

Dementia is a cognitive disorder which impairs a patient’s ability to think and reason. It occurs when parts of the brain used for reasoning, learning, memory, and decision making become diseased or damaged. Dementia is not a disease. Instead, it is a term used to refer to a set of symptoms linked to the failure in one’s mental ability to perform regular tasks.
Know the Vaccine Schedule for Infants and Toddlers

Know the Vaccine Schedule for Infants and Toddlers

Vaccines are important to keep your child fit and healthy and protect your toddler from a range of deadly diseases. According to various medical studies, for newborns, breast milk helps in protecting against several diseases. However, within a year, this immunity almost wears off. Also, many babies are not even fond of breast milk.
4 Common Causes of Meningitis

4 Common Causes of Meningitis

An inflammation in the meninges is termed as meningitis. The spinal cord and brain are covered by the three membranes of meninges. The fluid covering the meninges gets infected and that condition is called as meningitis. A person with meningitis will have a stiff neck, headache, and fever due to the swelling.
Effective Home Remedies to Deal with Ear Infections

Effective Home Remedies to Deal with Ear Infections

Pain in the ear can be extremely disturbing, but it is not always right to start taking antibiotics immediately. To treat ear infections, home remedies are the best because most of the times the ear infection or pain is not too serious. Some of these remedies are as follows: Over-the-counter pain relievers Some very reputed societies consisting of doctors and pediatrics have suggested many over-the-counter pain relievers.
4 Tips to Treat Common Symptoms of Stomach Flu

4 Tips to Treat Common Symptoms of Stomach Flu

Gastroenteritis, popularly termed as stomach flu, is an inflammation of the stomach and the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in a ruthless mix of symptoms. The most common cause of stomach flu are viral infections; however, it can also be caused due to bacterial or parasitic infections and food-borne illnesses. The symptoms of stomach flu usually last up to 14 days.
How to get hearing aids through Medicare

How to get hearing aids through Medicare

What corrective glasses are to people with vision problems, hearing aids are to people suffering from hearing loss. An inability to hear clearly can not only affect your ability to communicate but can also cause social withdrawal. Hearing loss can be caused by a number of factors including genetics, trauma or injuries and illnesses.

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Cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for seniors

Cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for seniors

The cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for senior citizens depends on what each is looking for whether supplemental health insurance plans for seniors or Medicare supplement plans. Although they are very similar in terminology, they are both very different. Supplemental health plans designed specifically for the needs of seniors are known as senior supplements.
Common difference between term life insurance and universal life insurance policy

Common difference between term life insurance and universal life insurance policy

There are various types of insurance schemes for the common man. They each have their advantages and disadvantages. What works for you can be chosen only after a detailed study and thorough understanding of all the finer details of each policy. Let us compare term life insurance and universal life insurance policies.