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How does coconut oil help in weight loss

How does coconut oil help in weight loss

In today’s world, there are many people who struggle with their weight and try hard to reach their desired weight loss goals. Losing weight does not always require you to break a sweat at the gym for hours or follow a very strict diet. Sometimes it’s as simple as including ingredients with weight loss properties in your diet.
Psoriasis – What you need to know

Psoriasis – What you need to know

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease which leads to red flaky patches on the skin. The problem starts with your T-cells which is a specific type of white blood cell. When T-cells become active and set off other immune responses it leads to psoriasis symptoms. Symptoms of Psoriasis Psoriasis symptoms differ from individuals to individuals.
5 things you ought to know about Hepatitis C

5 things you ought to know about Hepatitis C

In the US, around 16000 cases of acute hepatitis C were reported; this statistic is from nearly a decade ago. Although, there has been advances in the treatment of hepatitis C, this figure more or less remains the same. It has been estimated that nearly 3.5 million people have been living with chronic Hepatitis C.
5 reasons you should visit the dentist regularly

5 reasons you should visit the dentist regularly

Dental hygiene is not a concern for most of the population. People don’t visit the doctor unless there is something very wrong with their teeth or gums. This tardiness in visiting the dentist can result in excess damage and cost. Here are few reasons why you should visit the dentist at least twice a year.
4 effective home remedies for curing MRSA staph infections

4 effective home remedies for curing MRSA staph infections

With the progress in the field of medical science, the mortality rate has lowered considerably. This progress is deemed necessary since the disease too has evolved since they have become immune to the medications which used to cure it once upon a time. The Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus or MRSA as they are commonly known is one such disease that has evolved and becomes resistant to the very antibiotics that were used to treat it.
Treatment option available for sebaceous cysts

Treatment option available for sebaceous cysts

A sebaceous cyst is a small bump which develops under your skin, being the result of blocked glands. These are mostly found on the face and neck. Sebaceous cyst treatment can be done by a medical professional and does not necessarily require lab tests or any imaging for that matter.
Understanding the early signs and types of pancreatitis

Understanding the early signs and types of pancreatitis

Situated behind the stomach, the pancreas is a gland which releases essential digestive enzymes into the small intestine to facilitate the proper digestion of food. It also introduces hormones in the blood known as insulin and glucagon which determine how food and energy is processed. Pancreatitis, on the other hand, is a disease in which the pancreas suffers from inflammation.
4 popular ways of treating seborrheic keratosis

4 popular ways of treating seborrheic keratosis

Also known as seborrheic warts or basal cell papilloma, seborrheic keratosis is a benign skin growth that resembles skin cancer. These growths usually appear in older adults after middle age. A non-contagious growth, seborrheic keratosis can appear as a single growth or a cluster of growths. They develop over the back, chest, face or shoulders.
Seven Common Causes of Eye Pain

Seven Common Causes of Eye Pain

One of the worst feelings that people can experience is a pain in the eyes. At times, the pain might be mild, while at other times, it might feel like a dagger through your eye socket. When you are suffering from eye pain, neither can you think straight, nor can you rest peacefully.
Heartburn – Symptoms and Home Remedies

Heartburn – Symptoms and Home Remedies

If you experience heartburn, you are likely to have a slight hiccup followed by a burning sensation in your throat and chest. It can create a very unpleasant feeling for the person suffering from it. It may be triggered by acidic food, spicy food, or fatty food. If you have gastroesophageal reflux disease, you may experience the occasional heartburn as well.
Tips to Keep Blood Sugar Levels Under Control

Tips to Keep Blood Sugar Levels Under Control

To maintain a healthy body, it is essential to keep up with the normal levels of blood sugar. Any spike in the sugar levels can result in a lot of issues in the body. While the easiest way to maintain normal levels of blood sugar is to keep the body active, in case of any increase in the levels, you must consult a doctor to know the best possible ways and means to control the same.
Here’s How to Get a Relief from Back Nerve Pain

Here’s How to Get a Relief from Back Nerve Pain

Back nerve pain is excruciating and inflicts intense suffering. Living with the pain is challenging since it interferes with daily activities. Professional help is required in order to deal with it. It is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of nerve pain. Any trauma can trigger this pain. For instance, inaccurate lifting techniques, or a fall or sleeping in a wrong posture or a medical condition such as diabetes or damaged nerves.
Tips for Effectively Treating Heel Pain

Tips for Effectively Treating Heel Pain

Heel pain is a very common foot problem that may be caused due to a stress fracture, tendonitis, heel spur, or arthritis. The most common cause of heel pain is plantar fasciitis, or heel spur syndrome, which is due to the inflammation of the tissue connecting the heel to the toes.
Natural food items that eliminate bloating

Natural food items that eliminate bloating

Stomach bloating is a condition that is characterized by the stomach being filled with gas. It is sometimes known as flatulence and can cause a lot of discomfort. Although it might be associated with stomach infections, it is not always the case. The bloating could be escalated by a variety of factors that an individual can submit him or herself into.

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Cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for seniors

Cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for seniors

The cost of Medicare supplemental insurance plans for senior citizens depends on what each is looking for whether supplemental health insurance plans for seniors or Medicare supplement plans. Although they are very similar in terminology, they are both very different. Supplemental health plans designed specifically for the needs of seniors are known as senior supplements.
Common difference between term life insurance and universal life insurance policy

Common difference between term life insurance and universal life insurance policy

There are various types of insurance schemes for the common man. They each have their advantages and disadvantages. What works for you can be chosen only after a detailed study and thorough understanding of all the finer details of each policy. Let us compare term life insurance and universal life insurance policies.